Thursday 17 April 2008

My Reason for Being (well blogging at least)

Since September 2007, it seems that my life has been out of control. Some serious family illness and the death of my father have obviously had a huge impact on me. I have been seriously stressed out and struggling with my creativity.

I have recently returned to my meditation practice as a way of seeking calm and clarity and learning to live in the moment. Even when I am crafting, I often focus on negative issues in my mind instead of simply focusing on what I am creating.

I am hoping to blog about the progress I make in developing my creativity and I will also discuss my meditation practice or lack there of.

Wish me luck!


Timaree said...

September is not too long ago for the grieving process. Be easy on yourself. My dad died 8 years ago and I still miss him although I am able to function quite well now without him. It was tough for quite a while as he was my best friend really.

I am hoping your blogging will help; there is such a nice community in the craft neighborhood of blogland. Have you checked out the Bead Journal Project:

You might enjoy the friendship and the gentlest of pushes to help you keep going the group offers plus it's a good way to work through life's issues. Check out some of the blogs you might find on the 2007 pages there.

Sarah said...

Thank you, I know I am trying a bit too hard to "be normal"!

Wow, I checked out the Bead Journal Project, what fabulous work! I will go check out the blogs. Thanks!