Sunday 6 February 2011

Join me on my new blog!

Hi beady buddies!

Just thought I would remind you that I have moved blogs to

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Moving blogs to April Is Forever

Hi all,

Just to let you know that I am in the process of setting up a business to sell my jewellery and hopefully soon my own patterns called April Is Forever and have set up a blog for it here . I will now be updating April Is Forever with my new designs and creations and of course Operation Tackle That Bead Stash with my continued efforts to whittle down the stash, although past content will remain here for the time being. Thank you for all your support and comments and I hope you join me on either April Is Forever or Operation Tackle That Bead Stash


Monday 22 March 2010

Slightly Obsessed with Beaded Rings!

This weekend I have become increasingly obsessed with making beaded rings. I think that this is mainly because they tie in neatly with my 2 main current areas of focus, making quick items for April Is Forever to sell at Saturdays Vintage Pretty and using up all those leftover beads n pieces for Operation Tackle That Bead Stash. I like the fact that you can make a finished
piece of jewellery quickly and they are also a great way to experiment and try new designs without investing too much time.

Friday 19 March 2010

Rainy Days, Podcasts & New Techniques.

It's raining cats and dogs here today, it has come as a bit of a shock after the beautiful sunshine we have been having lately and scuppered my plans to take lots of photo's for the blogs. I have had a nice day, coffee with a mum from school this morning and this afternoon has been spent in the dining room with my beading supplies spread out all over the table, listening to the Craftcast Podcast and trying a new to me technique of making beaded wire flowers. Not a bad way to spend a day, kiddo was over at a friends house after school so I have had a very relaxing day.

Here is a link to the Craftcast website

and to one of the tutorials that I have been practising today

Wednesday 17 March 2010

A Round Up of the 1st Week of Operation Tackle That Bead Stash

Just a week ago I set up Operation Tackle That Bead Stash, we already have 1 other contributor, 16 posts and 8 followers! Every week I'm going to post a round up here of the highlights from OTTBS. Ha ha, I love that acronym, it could stand for so many other things!

So this weeks highlights are;
Welcoming Bobbi from the Bead Goes On to the team! Bobbi has made some great posts and beautiful projects, she has already completed her 3rd goal!
Finally using 2 tubes of bugle beads that have been languishing in my stash for about 3 years, to make this red lariat.

Bobbi's fab beaded eggs

Monday 15 March 2010

Tulip Beaded Ring

I am about to add some new beaded rings to the April Is Forever blog but thought that I would also feature this one here as I am particularly proud of it!
The tulip ring is a result of an ongoing experiment in increasing/decreasing netting to create a 3d ring top and I love this version. I am also really happy with the colour combination, the zingy lime seed beads really complement the fuschia swarovski crystals.
If you want to see more of my recent rings, please check out April Is Forever, the link is on the right.

Friday 12 March 2010

Leaf Bracelet - Kit review

Last October I visited the Welsh Bead Fair in Cardiff and bought some kits from Spellbound Beads. I chose this leaf bracelet as it reminded me of the Saraguro beadwork that I had seen exhibited on the Beadworkers Guild stand that I really loved, except it looked a bit easier!

I can't find the name of the kit right now as the bag I kept the instructions in is packed away while decorating & I couldn't see it on the Spellbound Beads website either but I still wanted to write about it before I forgot!

The instructions for the kit were really comprehensive, nicely laid out and easy to follow. There were plenty of beads and the colour choice is beautiful, I know there were other lovely combinations too. The patter itself was much easier to work than expected and went very quickly so a win-win! I bought other kits there too and after doing this bracelet I'm glad I did because I felt that this was good value for money and an easy way to try something different. Here is the link to the Spellbound Beads website, but don't click if you don't want to be tempted to spend lots of money!